Have you ever had that one thing you wished you never got rid of? You know which one I mean- that one car, maybe a guitar, an old driver, a goalie glove, a particular pair of jeans you were compelled to give away for some odd reason. And while you've found others that work, nothing ever quite felt the same after that first 'one'. That's what EGE was for me, and I've missed it every day since I quietly closed the spare bedroom door almost 4 years ago.
Since then, we've collectively gone through what feels like a lifetime's worth of events in a very short period of time. The COVID-19 pandemic was a weird time for all of us, and I know I wasn't the only business to feel it's impacts. The uncertainty of what was to come was enough of a hint for me to hit the pause button, hoping as we all did that it would be a quick blip in the spring thaw. That hiatus turned indefinite when rec hockey couldn't come back as scheduled and everyone's gear was safely packed away, stitches intact and velcro all sticking as it should. I was fortunate enough to stay afloat heading back to sales, both locally and on-site up north, able to pay the mortgage and feed the kitties, but all the while missing that satisfying sound of a sewing machine puttering away.
Edmonton Gear Experts grew out of a passion for the position of goaltending, and starting a business that encompassed such a unique sport was as challenging as it was rewarding. I know it wasn't always perfect, but I strived to put out the best work I could and learn every day. That ultimately is what has brought me back, a desire to be challenged, to serve a community that has given me so much, and be fulfilled at the end of the day. This brings us to my new venture, Erickson Goaltending Equipment & Repair Co. (I had to keep the logo!). I have expanded my capabilities and services, and am in the process of developing a line of goalie gear that won't break the bank and will punch well above it's weight-class.
I've got a few more years under my cap, a million more ideas to implement, and a whole LOT of thread ready to mend that trusty gear AND build your next set. So let's get back at it friends! I am accepting service bookings as of April 1st, please reach out with your next project and let's get that gear in the game.
yer fav gear nerd,
